Path of Success : Hardships

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”
Our lives are a series of ups and downs, highs and lows, happiness and agony, and of course, a few mundane bits in between for balance. The important thing is that at the end of our lives if we were to draw a median through the peaks and dips we should achieve a nice even keel.

So,without the downs, how would you recognise the ups? At one time or another, we all state emphatically that we could do without the hardships, but without them would we grow nearly as much? We would all love to live in a perpetual paradise. Well, you can be damn grateful that you do not.

When you are up in life, your friends get to know who you are.  When you are down in life, you get to know who your true friends are.  There will be lots of people around when times are easy, but take note of who remains in your life when times get tough, especially the people who sacrifice the resources they have in their life to help you improve yours when you need it most.  These people are your real friends.

Going through any kind of hardship in your life will allow you to understand other people when they are going through a hard time in their lives. Rather than brushing people off as weak ,you will connect with them.

Experiencing hardship makes you more resilient to what’s to come and stretches the limits to the challenges you want to overcome. When you see what you are capable of accomplishing, you can seek harder challenges.

Harsh experiences force people to grow up. Without those kinds of experiences, you might have continued life ignorant of the troubles others face and maybe even feel entitled to your fortunate situation. There are a lot of people stuck with people who simply don’t grow up, be happy that you won’t be one of them.

The motivation to appreciate bad things is important. As you recognize the bad, you see its circumstances. You experience what not to do, to avoid next time. It also grows your character and resilience. Nobody that shoots for challenges beyond their reach moon walks to the goal. Those that grow happy lives, the good, are subject to unforeseen events.

You might take the imperative to maximize your pleasant experience and minimize the pain. Perhaps this encompasses all people you care about. Bad times contrast to good times. You can identify pleasant, but it always stands in relation pain. An endurance through pain, overcoming it, makes you appreciate all your blessings.

So lets accept what comes in and take it in pride.

8 thoughts on “Path of Success : Hardships

  1. Beautifully written ❤
    It truly is very important to accept every situation as it comes. And no matter how hard it gets, we should always remember that everything happens for a reason and that the night is always darkest before dawn.

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